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If you do only one thing, Bookmark This is a carefully curated website with essential information. This particular page is not meant to be an exhaustive list of everything you need - it's a "Top 10" of sorts to get you started. Feel free to roam around the site. You will find a wealth of information to make your high school band experience a positive one. Just one reminder:​


If you have questions, ask your kid. If they don’t know, they ask their section leaders. If they don’t know, they ask the drum majors. If they don’t know, they ask Mr. Kuhar.


**Trust the process**

Penncrest Band for Beginners

This document is chock full of great information: From descriptions of the different sections to uniform care to descriptions of the different groups and events. It's a MUST READ!


Subscribe to the mailing list to get weekly newsletters. This is the official communication channel from the BPA and will keep you up to date on things coming up, as well as recaps of things that have happened.

Click Here to see an example.


The Band Calendars are kept up to date and can be easily added to your own calendar. Don't miss an important event!

Remind App

This is another official channel of communication from the BPA and will be used for urgent and/or time-sensitive notifications, ex. game time changed or buses on their way. If you already have the Remind App, use the @phsmb2024 class code to join. Please provide your student's name/year when requesting. You can also email to be added.


Volunteering runs the gamut from chaperoning weekly football games to chairing one of our major events. Parents, guardians and grandparents directly benefit their student in band when volunteering, and set an extremely positive example. There is a lot of work required to ensure a smooth year and, as they say, many hands make light work. Sign up today!

Fall Schedule

This page is an "at a glance" view of the events and activities for the band during the season.

Band Parent Facebook Page

For those parents on Facebook, this is another channel of communication. It is not the official, primary source of information but can be a quick way to get answers from other parents. When joining, please answer the questions as completely as possible (we get a lot of SPAM requests).

YouTube Channel

Subscribe to the YouTube Channel to see and be notified of videos of the Penncrest Band programs - past, present, and future

Photos on Google Drive

Throughout the year, we are all taking photos of the band. See them and upload them here. Who knows, maybe your photo will be in one of the slide shows!

Contact Us!

The board is here to help. If you have questions, please reach out, either to individuals on the Contact page or to the whole board at

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